House Concerts

What is a House Concert?
It is presented by a host who does not profit from the event.
House concerts are usually held indoors and on weekends,
Attended by 20-50 people paid for by a $10-20 donation per guest (for the performer),
Known to include light snacks, beverages or a pot-luck dinner,
Attended by the host’s friends, neighbors, co-workers, and maybe a few fans of the artist
Attended by a 25-60 age group, performed by solo, duos and small groups
Performed with little to no amplification
Very intimate – the audiences sit close and are attentive
Performed in 2, 40-minute sets with a 20 minute break
Stronger for artist’s merchandise sales than traditional venues
Booked with and without a financial guarantees (can vary by host and by artist)
Known to house and feed the artist for the night

Although house concerts will adhere to most of these traditions, you may not find any house concerts that run exactly according to the list above. Each house concert is a collaboration between an artist, a host/presenter, and their friends and supporters.
Actually, this is a great checklist to go through when artists are working out details with a house concert host. Some surprises are nice, some aren’t. It’s a good habit to ask questions, don’t be shy.Either of you. 8^)

If you would be interested in booking Roger for a house concert, send an email to